What is Abortion Care?

Abortion care refers to the medical or surgical procedures and support provided to terminate a pregnancy. It can be a decision made for various reasons, including health concerns, personal circumstances, or the well-being of the mother.

  • Unwanted pregnancy
  • Failure of contraception
  • Failed pregnancy( Missed abortion)
  • Lack of fetal growth

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Easy Maternity Home Frequently Asked Questions

What types of abortion procedures are available?

The two primary types of abortion procedures are medical abortion (using medications) and surgical abortion (involving a procedure performed by a healthcare provider). The specific method chosen depends on various factors, including gestational age and individual preferences.

Is abortion legal?

The method of abortion depends on weeks of pregnancy .Medical abortion is typically performed upto 7 weeks. More than 7 weeks - surgical abortion. Abortion allowed upto 24weeks according to latest MTP act ammendment

How early can I have an abortion?

The method of abortion depends on weeks of pregnancy .Medical abortion is typically performed upto 7 weeks. More than 7 weeks - surgical abortion. Abortion allowed upto 24weeks according to latest MTP act ammendment

What is the recovery like after an abortion?

Recovery varies based on the method chosen. Following medical abortion, women may experience bleeding and cramping for several days. Surgical abortion recovery may involve a shorter period of discomfort, and most women can resume normal activities within a few days.