What is Antenatal Care?

Antenatal care refers to the medical care and support provided to pregnant women during their pregnancy. It aims to monitor the health of both the mother and the developing baby, detect potential issues early, and provide guidance for a healthy pregnancy.

Monitoring of Pregnancy:

  • Maternal Bp, weight
  • Fetal Growth
  • Fetal heart sounds
  • Alarming maternal/ fetal medical conditions

Got Questions?

Easy Maternity Home Frequently Asked Questions

Why is antenatal care important?

Antenatal care is crucial for monitoring the health of both the mother and baby. It helps identify and address any potential issues early, ensures proper nutrition, and provides education and support for a healthy pregnancy.

When should I start antenatal care?

Ideally, antenatal care should begin as soon as you confirm your pregnancy. Early care allows healthcare professionals to establish a baseline for your health and address any potential concerns promptly.

How often should I have antenatal check-ups?

The frequency of antenatal check-ups may vary, but generally, women are advised to have monthly check-ups in the first two trimesters and more frequent visits as the due date approaches.

Are there specific tests conducted during antenatal care?

Yes, various tests are conducted, including blood tests, urine tests, and ultrasound scans. These tests help assess the mother's health, screen for potential genetic conditions, and monitor the baby's development.